SAT News Nr. 6, März 2016

Tanzania-FeldIm aktuellen Newsletter von SAT (Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania) berichten Alex und Janet über die jüngsten Wetterkapriolen und neue Agrar-Schulungen im Rahmen ihres Projekts „Garten der Solidarität“.

It is that time again: The El Nino phenomenon in the Pacific is making for either extreme drought or heavy rain falls. This weather condition also shows its effects in Tanzania and poses huge challenges to small scale farmers. At the very moment, although we should find ourselves in the middle of Masika (rainy season), not a single drop of water has fallen from the sky in the last week.

We at SAT aim to help affected small scale farmers by collaborating with them on how best to deal with climatic challenges through training in soil and water managment solutions. Therefore, we are happy to share with you our new Farmer Training Centre Schedule for 2016 that covers practical and helpful topics concerning organic farming methods. Also find stories about the extraordinary village Tulo, an extraordinary plant and a visual resume of SAT`s achievements of last year.

Farmer Training Centre Schedule 2016

SAT-TrainingscenterNew year – new courses! Again this year, we provide different trainings at our Farmer Training Centre in Morogoro. Learn how to make medicinal soap or to improve soil fertility. Please, check our program in the area of sustainable and organic agriculture.
Farmer Training Centre Schedule 2016

Series on nutrition and sustainability

We start our new series about a healthy diet and explore different plants and their potential! The first article „Traditional plant or modern Superfood?“ deals with a very old plant which has already been used for over 2000 years as the most nutritive food on this planet. Curious? Follow this link to find out more

SAT Annual Meeting 2015

Last year was a very successful and active one for us at Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania. Do you want to know what we and our associated farmers have been up to in 2015? Go watch the video about the Annual Meeting 2015


We are proud to present real stories about real success. Steep, steeper, Tulo. A small village in the Uluguru-Mountains that removes this barrier by applying organic agriculture methods. Read the story

The first centre for agroecological farming methods in Tanzania

Wishing you All the Best

Janet & Alex

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